I haven't posted for quite a while but got a VERY disturbing email from Focus on the Family that I just HAD to vent about!!! The article said that a Christian family in the United Kingdom who had fostered around 17 children and had previously adopted were being banned from any further adoptions BECAUSE they were Christians and held the belief that same sex relationships was not what God intended and that they would be raising their children to believe in one man and one woman for life. This completely floored me!!!!!! First of all because how could you deny a child a home and a family PERIOD!!!! There will be one less child touched by that family and their desire to serve God and raise happy, healthy, and LOVED children!
Second, it scares me that once again it is Christians and Christians only who are being discriminated against in our society today!!!! We are no longer worthy of raising a child because we choose to follow the Bible and God's word? What if the same was done to a Muslim family because of one of their beliefs! I have a lot of trouble imagining it would even occur! And it made me realize that it is time Christians!!! It is time for us to stand up and be courageous about what we believe! It is time that we start fighting against the media and our society for trying to paint us as bigots and unloving people! God calls us to love everyone, and that we will be known by our love. I believe we are. Christians all over the world are showing love by being present in starving countries, feeding the poor, helping the weak, rebuilding broken cities and adopting many of the world's children without parents! We are there for each other with open arms when we fail to do what is right, but also hold each other accountable for the wrongs we have done. And countless other ways Christians are lights in this world. We truly can love the person but not the sin! Don't we do that for each other every day?! But that doesn't mean we have to compromise our beliefs of how God calls us to live!
We are being tested people! Are we willing to stand against this and show the world that we will choose Jesus, NO MATTER THE COST? HE DID THAT FOR US! He chose us no matter the cost to Him! Isn't it the LEAST we can do?!
Romans 1:16
If you look at history, all nations that turned from God, and God alone, were at some point destroyed! Do we really want to let someone other than God dictate what is best for our country and more importantly, our children? I am proud to belong to God and to be HIS child! I don't want my life in the hands of ANYONE else!
You said it sista!! I'm right there with you. I'm angry, sad, and a little shocked. The devil is alive and well and Christians need to start speaking out. LOVE what you wrote in this blog!!